(1) Enemy number two is the house wren that routinely takes over nest boxes occupied by bluebirds and other hole-nesting birds, by puncturing the eggs or removing young nestlings(2) Down in the canyon, I often see the house wren , acorn and Nuttall's woodpeckers, wrentit, and, in winter, the yellow-rumped warbler.(3) The Rock Wren is the largest wren in Washington.(4) The wind-shaped bushes on the edge sheltered robins, tits and wrens .(5) Lucky suet providers might also host creepers, kinglets, warblers, and wrens , none of which typically visit seed feeders.(6) Like most wrens , Marsh Wrens eat primarily insects and spiders.(7) Although the complex syncopated rhythms of duets can sound to the untrained ear as if they are coming from one bird, they are the efforts of two wrens perched side by side and interposing their notes with precise timing.(8) In early March, many birds, such as wrens , robins and dunnocks, begin to set up breeding territories.(9) This is one of the many birds that until the last several decades was restricted to our southern states, but like tufted titmice, cardinals, Carolina wrens and mockingbirds, it is now an established breeder in parts of New England.(10) Other insect-eating birds include bluebirds, martins and wrens .(11) The following spring, other birds - including bluebirds, tree swallows, house wrens and a host of other secondary cavity-nesting species - scout out and lay claim to these secondhand houses.(12) A corner devoted to raspberries, blueberries and blackberries brings in wrens , blue jays and towhees, and also attracts Maya and Delia for daily pilgrimages.(13) The Carolina wren of the southeastern United States, for example, extends its breeding range northward in years of mild winters, until a harsh winter wipes out all the wrens for hundreds of miles at the northern edge of the range.(14) Some duet patterns of neighboring families can be nearly identical, although playback experiments have shown that the wrens can identify neighbors solely by hearing their duets.(15) Suspicion is first aroused if breeding wrens find a nestling home alone, as the imposter will eject all the natural offspring.(16) My own small back garden contains the live nests of wrens , blackbirds and sparrows, so there will be scores more on the campus.
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