(1) Are you honestly telling me that Botticelli was untalented ?(2) This success will help these students be more comfortable in drawing later and not think that they are untalented in art.(3) This pretentious, precious, pseudo-poetic, name-dropping drivel is one of those endless monologues that in the hands of an arrogant, untalented twit become menaces to society.(4) There were the appallingly untalented , removed from that friendly mirror in their bedroom, dancing like stick insects with St Vitus dance and impaling themselves on hideous voices.(5) Dreams are the last refuge of the untalented writer.(6) The only cursed people I know are the untalented actors and actresses that somehow manage to get cast, based on good auditions and producers who forget how bad they were in their last work.(7) As he warns, you don't want to hire untalented women who'll just write about ‘women's issues.’(8) During the 1820s, a pompous and untalented versifier referred to the Pacific as a ‘liquid waste’, which makes it sound like sewage.(9) Actors are usually, on the whole, thick, desperate, untalented and always thinking, ‘What about me?(10) The imposing residence of the director has been turned over to the Sydney Writers' Centre where the untalented are pursued by the incompetent.(11) It's not that he's untalented - in fact, his DJ-ing skills are clearly top-notch as he deftly weaves his jazzy samples into a cohesive whole.(12) Sometimes when you go through the papers, you have to read that you're a boring, untalented person, and you have to live with that.(13) Throw all the money in the world at an untalented writer and they will stay untalented and you can bet a promising one will be standing right behind them, on the verge of giving up.(14) Too often the SAC has drip-fed amateurish and incompetent publishers, sustained untalented writers who would rather run a workshop than confront a blank screen and baled out magazines which are barely literate.(15) He was the classic dour, authoritarian socialist, a masterly desk and committee politician but disdainful of and untalented at electoral politics.(16) By 1914 former reformists were beginning to regard violence as the only means left to loosen a regime which seemed more and more intolerant, intolerable, and, worse, untalented .