(1) she paused to unhitch her skirt which had caught on the wire railing(2) It is Elaine who receives advice from the lawyer, indicating that Jesse needs to unhitch himself from his father.(3) Eventually the officer unhitches the barricade, and the Archimedean principle of crowd displacement does its work.(4) ‘They had also tried to take my trailer but they obviously couldn't get it through the gate, so they just unhitched it and left it there,’ he added.(5) The horses were unhitched from the front of the trailer and two pairs hitched each side to heavy port and starboard booms.(6) Possessed of her fantasy, Ella went later in the afternoon, when nobody was in that part of the house, opened the closet, unhitched one of the articles, a mackintosh, and put it on, with the waterproof cap belonging to it.(7) In firing position, the crew of eight unhitches the gun, lowers the central firing jack, raising the wheels high enough to clear the trail legs, and spreads the two outer trails 120° on each side.(8) The dogs will hear you unhitching the chain from the tree.(9) The drover got to work unhitching the oxen, and the horsemen unsaddled their horses and led them to the trees and hobbled them.(10) But children were unhitching the boats from their storage area at the side of the lake, loading on their friends and moving across the lake, without either oars or life jackets.(11) He gripped his rifle and tied it to his back, unhitching his long bowie knife.(12) Skillfully and carefully, the owner maneuvered it into position between the stacks of oats, unhitched the tractor and turned it around to the face of the threshing machine.(13) The man was unhitching the ship from the docking connections when the first warning came.(14) In the morning, we unhitched the trailer in my parents' driveway to alleviate the load on the pick-up truck, and cruised up to Bellevue to meet the moving truck.(15) One worker switches tracks while the other unhitches rail cars and moves the train back and forth, with the remote control, to send the cars rolling onto other tracks.(16) Designing an organization for creative growth, to Mau, means unhitching it from a single ‘guru’ figure and allowing the entire group to help shape the work process - from brainstorming to final product.