(1) There is construction on two new green buildings, but even this is a seemingly unambitious beginning for Penn State's mission to help solve local and global environmental problems.(2) Fraudley Harrison, a supremely outstanding amateur turned incredibly unambitious professional, claimed last week: ‘My plan is to be heavyweight champion of the world.’(3) He should improve the proposals in two respects - by adding a halt at Stow, and demanding a better travelling time than the unambitious 60 minutes submitted.(4) Zapa is a slow, passive, unambitious 32-year-old locksmith, working in a small country town in Argentina.(5) Five tries should not be sniffed at, particularly in the context of Scotland's recent history, but they should have beaten this woefully unambitious and technically poor opposition by 60.(6) Anyone who chooses to stay at home with their kids is seen as woefully unambitious and deserving of contempt.(7) South Lakeland District Council is unambitious , lacks drive at the top and is unlikely to improve without significant change, according to inspectors, reports Beth Broomby.(8) In the Scottish context, it is quite easy to be unambitious , to aim low.(9) Sargent is portrayed as modest, self-denying and unambitious , the antithesis of the preening Oxford peacocks.(10) No repeat is likely of those simplistic pledge card promises - such as cutting hospital waiting lists - which seemed so straightforward and unambitious in 1997, but turned out to be a millstone.(11) It's actually quite a tasty, if unambitious , dish, with lots of wasabi in the dressing.(12) I never really enjoyed Pink Floyd, and Orange Can has successfully reminded me why: the dull, stagnant jams sound indifferent and unambitious .(13) Surely this is just a way of kidding ourselves, though, since it will make us complacent and unambitious ?(14) During my formative years in the Language Writing scene in the 70s, it was a matter of course to attack the aura-driven, faux-charismatic, unambitious poetry coming out of writing workshops.(15) This stand-alone thriller features Miles Flint, an unambitious low-level spy, whose job is to watch and listen, and report backs to his superiors.(16) Before founding FlavorX, Kramm had been content to live a quiet and relatively unambitious life working in a family pharmacy.