(1) Major Muslim annual rituals are Ramadan (the month of fasting), Idul Fitri (the end of fasting), and the hajj (pilgrimage).(2) Those villagers who have made the hajj to Mecca, or even descendants of those who have made the journey, are highly respected.(3) The hajj to Mecca, is one of the pillars of Islam.(4) The hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) is an important ritual for the Bedu, and most parents take each of their children on his or her first pilgrimage at the age of seven or eight.(5) The hajj links pilgrims with Muslims around the world symbolically, ritually, and politically.(6) Believers are expected, at least once in their lives, to make a hajj , or pilgrimage to Mecca during the month of Ramadan.(7) Before you partake your journey to perform your hajj , there are certain things that you should always remember to do.(8) The final pillar entails a pilgrimage, or hajj , to the Kaaba, the holy shrine in Mecca, that is to be made at least once in one's lifetime.(9) Hajj is obligatory on every adult Muslim who can afford to go to Makkah during the hajj season, whether on foot or by any other carriage.(10) The pilgrimage, called the hajj , is considered the culmination of Islamic practice.(11) In Islam the pilgrimage to Mecca, the hajj , is both a duty and a spiritual participation in the Prophet's path toward divine connection.(12) After a long drive, we arrived in Mecca around midnight and began the rituals associated with the hajj .(13) The hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca with religious activities that last a week or more.(14) All adults hope to conduct the Islamic hajj , or pilgrimage to Mecca, at some time during their life.(15) All Muslims who are able are expected to make a hajj , or pilgrimage, once during their life, to one of the Muslim holy sites.(16) Fasting from dawn until dusk throughout Ramadan is one of the five main compulsory ‘pillars’ of the Islamic faith, along with charity, a declaration of belief, prayers, and the haj pilgrimage to Mecca, for those who are able to.