Dibs :
English Meaning :
(Noun : )
Example : On the off chance that they did, I'd like to remind them that I've got dibs on Attenborough and Harris.
On the off chance that they did, I'd like to remind them that I've got dibs on Attenborough and Harris.
Word Example from TV Shows :
- Not for long.
- I call DIBS on the Golden Age Flash.
The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 14
- Not for long.
- I call DIBS on the Golden Age Flash.
The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 14
Fag :
Synonyms :
Coffin nail, Butt, Cigarette, Cigaret, Wear down, Tire out, Jade, Wear, Tire, Wear out, Weary, Outwear, Fatigue, Fag out
Coffin nail, Butt, Cigarette, Cigaret, Wear down, Tire out, Jade, Wear, Tire, Wear out, Weary, Outwear, Fatigue, Fag out
English Meaning :
(Noun : Offensive term for a homosexual man)
(Verb : Act as a servant for older boys, in British public schools)
(Noun : Offensive term for a homosexual man)
(Verb : Act as a servant for older boys, in British public schools)
Example : she's got a fag in her mouth, and she's squinting her eyes against the smoke
she's got a fag in her mouth, and she's squinting her eyes against the smoke
Word Example from TV Shows :
You're the fucking FAG hag.
I'm sorry. Helsinki loves me.
Money Heist Season 3, Episode 5
You're the fucking FAG hag.
I'm sorry. Helsinki loves me.
Money Heist Season 3, Episode 5