Unenthusiastic :
Synonyms :
Indifferent, Apathetic, Halfhearted, Lukewarm, Tepid, Casual, Cool, Lackluster, Subdued, Unmoved, Cursory, Perfunctory, Unwilling, Hesitant, Disinclined, So-so, 'comme ci, Comme ça'
Indifferent, Apathetic, Halfhearted, Lukewarm, Tepid, Casual, Cool, Lackluster, Subdued, Unmoved, Cursory, Perfunctory, Unwilling, Hesitant, Disinclined, So-so, 'comme ci, Comme ça'
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
Example : Puzzled by his unenthusiastic response and having nothing better to do, April changed her course and followed after him.
Puzzled by his unenthusiastic response and having nothing better to do, April changed her course and followed after him.