Appall :
Synonyms :
Horrify, Appal, Dismay
English Meaning :
(Verb : Strike with disgust or revulsion)
(Verb : Strike with disgust or revulsion)
Daunt :
Synonyms :
Discourage, Deter, Demoralize, Put off, Dishearten, Dispirit, Intimidate, Abash, Take aback, Throw, Cow, Overawe, Awe, Frighten, Scare, Unman, Dismay, Disconcert, Discompose, Perturb, Unsettle, Unnerve, Throw off balance, Rattle, Faze, Shake up
Discourage, Deter, Demoralize, Put off, Dishearten, Dispirit, Intimidate, Abash, Take aback, Throw, Cow, Overawe, Awe, Frighten, Scare, Unman, Dismay, Disconcert, Discompose, Perturb, Unsettle, Unnerve, Throw off balance, Rattle, Faze, Shake up
English Meaning :
(Verb : Cause to lose courage)
(Verb : Cause to lose courage)
Example : There is no task that will daunt this dedicated team.
There is no task that will daunt this dedicated team.