Burrow :
Synonyms :
Hole, Tunnel, Warren, Dugout, Lair, Set, Den, Earth, Tunnel, Dig (out), Excavate, Grub, Mine, Bore, Channel, Hollow out, Gouge out
Hole, Tunnel, Warren, Dugout, Lair, Set, Den, Earth, Tunnel, Dig (out), Excavate, Grub, Mine, Bore, Channel, Hollow out, Gouge out
English Meaning :
(Noun : A hole made by an animal, usually for shelter)
(Verb : Move through by or as by digging)
(Noun : A hole made by an animal, usually for shelter)
(Verb : Move through by or as by digging)
Example : Despite the fact that they burrow underground like moles, and have big front teeth like rats have, naked mole-rats are more closely related to porcupines and guinea pigs than to moles or rats.
Despite the fact that they burrow underground like moles, and have big front teeth like rats have, naked mole-rats are more closely related to porcupines and guinea pigs than to moles or rats.
Foxhole :
English Meaning :
(Noun : A small dugout with a pit for individual shelter against enemy fire)
(Noun : A small dugout with a pit for individual shelter against enemy fire)
Example : The days of sitting in a prepared foxhole on a range and shooting targets at known distances is over.
The days of sitting in a prepared foxhole on a range and shooting targets at known distances is over.
Hideout :
Synonyms :
Hiding place, Hideaway, Retreat, Refuge, Shelter, Safe house, Sanctuary, Sanctum, Hide
Hiding place, Hideaway, Retreat, Refuge, Shelter, Safe house, Sanctuary, Sanctum, Hide
English Meaning :
(Noun : A hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws)
(Noun : A hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws)
Example : One reason that no one ever discovered their hideout was because no one ever dared to stray too far into the forest.
One reason that no one ever discovered their hideout was because no one ever dared to stray too far into the forest.