Abruption :
English Meaning :
(Noun : An instance of sudden interruption)
(Noun : An instance of sudden interruption)
Example : The most common symptom of abruption is vaginal bleeding after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
The most common symptom of abruption is vaginal bleeding after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Avulsion :
English Meaning :
(Noun : An abrupt change in the course of a stream that forms the boundary between two parcels of land resulting in the loss of part of the land of one landowner and a consequent increase in the land of another)
(Noun : An abrupt change in the course of a stream that forms the boundary between two parcels of land resulting in the loss of part of the land of one landowner and a consequent increase in the land of another)
Example : Other etiologies of groin pain include sports hernia, groin disruption, iliopsoas bursitis, stress fractures, avulsion fractures, nerve compression and snapping hip syndrome.
Other etiologies of groin pain include sports hernia, groin disruption, iliopsoas bursitis, stress fractures, avulsion fractures, nerve compression and snapping hip syndrome.
Disjunction :
English Meaning :
(Noun : State of being disconnected)
(Noun : State of being disconnected)
Example : Would not such a disjunction between achievement and status have made the notion of grace as an unmerited gift more attractive than can be the case among wage-earners today?
Would not such a disjunction between achievement and status have made the notion of grace as an unmerited gift more attractive than can be the case among wage-earners today?
Secession :
English Meaning :
(Noun : An Austrian school of art and architecture parallel to the French art nouveau in the 1890s)
(Noun : An Austrian school of art and architecture parallel to the French art nouveau in the 1890s)
Example : All opposed secession but in the end backed the Confederacy.
All opposed secession but in the end backed the Confederacy.
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