Bandy :
Synonyms :
Bowed, Bowlegged, Toss around/about, Exchange, Kick around
Bowed, Bowlegged, Toss around/about, Exchange, Kick around
English Meaning :
(Verb : Toss or strike a ball back and forth)
(Adjective : Have legs that curve outward at the knees)
(Verb : Toss or strike a ball back and forth)
(Adjective : Have legs that curve outward at the knees)
Example : His hips and his bandy legs, which seem unusually long from knee to ankle, move with a stiffness which suggests that his joints are about to seize up.
His hips and his bandy legs, which seem unusually long from knee to ankle, move with a stiffness which suggests that his joints are about to seize up.