Foretaste :
shijim paraprak
Synonyms :
Sample, Taster, Taste, Preview, Specimen, Example, Teaser, Indication, Suggestion, Hint, Whiff, Warning, Forewarning, Omen
Sample, Taster, Taste, Preview, Specimen, Example, Teaser, Indication, Suggestion, Hint, Whiff, Warning, Forewarning, Omen
English Meaning :
(Noun : An early limited awareness of something yet to occur)
(Noun : An early limited awareness of something yet to occur)
Example : For most other Christians, instrumental and vocal music embody praise of the divine, and at best may suggest a foretaste of paradise.
For most other Christians, instrumental and vocal music embody praise of the divine, and at best may suggest a foretaste of paradise.