Abolish :
Synonyms :
Put an end to, Get rid of, Scrap, End, Stop, Terminate, Ax, Eradicate, Eliminate, Exterminate, Destroy, Annihilate, Stamp out, Obliterate, Wipe out, Extinguish, Quash, Expunge, Extirpate, Annul, Cancel, Invalidate, Negate, Nullify, Void, Dissolve, Rescind, Repeal, Revoke, Overturn, Discontinue, Remove, Excise, Drop, Jettison, Do away with, Ditch, Junk, Scrub, Dump, Abrogate
Put an end to, Get rid of, Scrap, End, Stop, Terminate, Ax, Eradicate, Eliminate, Exterminate, Destroy, Annihilate, Stamp out, Obliterate, Wipe out, Extinguish, Quash, Expunge, Extirpate, Annul, Cancel, Invalidate, Negate, Nullify, Void, Dissolve, Rescind, Repeal, Revoke, Overturn, Discontinue, Remove, Excise, Drop, Jettison, Do away with, Ditch, Junk, Scrub, Dump, Abrogate
English Meaning :
(Verb : Do away with)
Example : The movements to abolish the trade and emancipate the slaves gathered momentum.
The movements to abolish the trade and emancipate the slaves gathered momentum.
Rescind :
Synonyms :
Revoke, Repeal, Cancel, Reverse, Overturn, Overrule, Annul, Nullify, Void, Invalidate, Quash, Abolish, Vacate, Abrogate
Revoke, Repeal, Cancel, Reverse, Overturn, Overrule, Annul, Nullify, Void, Invalidate, Quash, Abolish, Vacate, Abrogate
English Meaning :
(Verb : Cancel officially)
(Verb : Cancel officially)
Example : The seven have also filed a suit with the district court calling on immigration authorities to rescind the deportation order.
The seven have also filed a suit with the district court calling on immigration authorities to rescind the deportation order.
Word Example from TV Shows :
I RESCIND your strikes
and you are no longer banished.
The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 7
I RESCIND your strikes
and you are no longer banished.
The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 7