Fluency :
Synonyms :
Volubility, Articulateness
Volubility, Articulateness
English Meaning :
(Noun : Powerful and effective language)
(Noun : Powerful and effective language)
Example : Compared with their peers, diviners excel in insight, imagination, fluency in language, and knowledge of cultural traditions.
Compared with their peers, diviners excel in insight, imagination, fluency in language, and knowledge of cultural traditions.
Word Example from TV Shows :
In which I believe
I'm gaining remarkable FLUENCY.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 9)
In which I believe
I'm gaining remarkable FLUENCY.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 9)
Fluidity :
Synonyms :
Liquidity, Runniness, Liquidness, Fluidness
Liquidity, Runniness, Liquidness, Fluidness