Heartbeat :
rrahje zemre
Synonyms :
Pulsation, Pulse, Beat
English Meaning :
(Noun : The rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart)
(Noun : The rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart)
Example : His breathing did not change, nor did his heartbeat quicken.
His breathing did not change, nor did his heartbeat quicken.
Word Example from TV Shows :
Which I would trade
in a HEARTBEAT for all of this.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 13)
Which I would trade
in a HEARTBEAT for all of this.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 13)
Palpitation :
rrahje zemre
Synonyms :
Trembling, Shaking, Vibration, Shakiness, Quiver, Quivering
Trembling, Shaking, Vibration, Shakiness, Quiver, Quivering
English Meaning :
(Noun : A rapid and irregular heart beat)
(Noun : A rapid and irregular heart beat)
Example : I have had a number of patients in my practice that had their first episode of rapid heart action and palpitation during pregnancy.
I have had a number of patients in my practice that had their first episode of rapid heart action and palpitation during pregnancy.