Bustle :
Synonyms :
Activity, Action, Liveliness, Hustle and bustle, Excitement, Tumult, Hubbub, Whirl, Commotion, Toing and froing, Comings and goings, Rush, Dash, Hurry, Scurry, Scuttle, Hustle, Scamper, Scramble, Run, Tear, Charge, Scoot, Beetle, Buzz, Zoom
Activity, Action, Liveliness, Hustle and bustle, Excitement, Tumult, Hubbub, Whirl, Commotion, Toing and froing, Comings and goings, Rush, Dash, Hurry, Scurry, Scuttle, Hustle, Scamper, Scramble, Run, Tear, Charge, Scoot, Beetle, Buzz, Zoom
English Meaning :
(Noun : A rapid active commotion)
(Verb : Move or cause to move energetically or busily)
(Noun : A rapid active commotion)
(Verb : Move or cause to move energetically or busily)
Example : A bustle of activity met them at the bottom of the ladder.
A bustle of activity met them at the bottom of the ladder.
Clutter :
Synonyms :
Mess, Disorder, Smother, Litter, Clutter up
Mess, Disorder, Smother, Litter, Clutter up
English Meaning :
(Noun : A confused multitude of things)
(Verb : Fill a space in a disorderly way)
(Noun : A confused multitude of things)
(Verb : Fill a space in a disorderly way)
Example : ÔÇÿIt's a great way of offloading all the clutter from your mind,ÔÇÖ she said.
ÔÇÿIt's a great way of offloading all the clutter from your mind,ÔÇÖ she said.
Disarray :
Synonyms :
Disorder, Confusion, Chaos, Untidiness, Disorganization, Dishevelment, Mess, Muddle, Clutter, Jumble, Tangle, Shambles, Disorder
Disorder, Confusion, Chaos, Untidiness, Disorganization, Dishevelment, Mess, Muddle, Clutter, Jumble, Tangle, Shambles, Disorder
English Meaning :
(Noun : A mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior)
(Verb : Bring disorder to)
(Noun : A mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior)
(Verb : Bring disorder to)
Example : The room was in general disarray with rubbish strewn all over the floor.
The room was in general disarray with rubbish strewn all over the floor.
Word Example from TV Shows :

(Westworld Season 3, Episode 8)

(Westworld Season 3, Episode 8)
Farrago :
Synonyms :
Hodgepodge, Mishmash, Ragbag, Potpourri, Jumble, Mess, Confusion, Mélange, Gallimaufry, Hash, Assortment, Miscellany, Mixture, Conglomeration, Medley
Hodgepodge, Mishmash, Ragbag, Potpourri, Jumble, Mess, Confusion, Mélange, Gallimaufry, Hash, Assortment, Miscellany, Mixture, Conglomeration, Medley
English Meaning :
(Noun : A motley assortment of things)
(Noun : A motley assortment of things)
Example : If I'm going to talk about the whole farrago , perhaps it would be best to start by going back to the original report.
If I'm going to talk about the whole farrago , perhaps it would be best to start by going back to the original report.
Higgledy-piggledy :
Mess :
Synonyms :
Untidiness, Excrement, Plight, Pickle, Mess hall, Sight, Muss, Mess up
Untidiness, Excrement, Plight, Pickle, Mess hall, Sight, Muss, Mess up
English Meaning :
(Noun : A state of confusion and disorderliness)
(Verb : Eat in a mess hall)
(Noun : A state of confusion and disorderliness)
(Verb : Eat in a mess hall)
Example : they left the kitchen in a mess
they left the kitchen in a mess
Word Example from TV Shows :

I hope not,
because you don't wanna MESS with me.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 10)

I hope not,
because you don't wanna MESS with me.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 10)
Mixing up :
Pell-mell :
Pother :
Synonyms :
Tizzy, Fuss, Flap, Dither, Flap, Dither
Tizzy, Fuss, Flap, Dither, Flap, Dither
English Meaning :
(Noun : An excited state of agitation)
(Verb : Make upset or troubled)
(Noun : An excited state of agitation)
(Verb : Make upset or troubled)
Example : don't make such a pother!
don't make such a pother!
Snafu :
Synonyms :
Muddle, Mess, Tangle, Jumble, Confusion, Misunderstanding, Misinterpretation, Misconception, Mistake, Mix-up, Bungle, Hash, Foul-up, Screw-up
Muddle, Mess, Tangle, Jumble, Confusion, Misunderstanding, Misinterpretation, Misconception, Mistake, Mix-up, Bungle, Hash, Foul-up, Screw-up
English Meaning :
(Noun : An acronym often used by soldiers in World War II: situation normal all fucked up)
(Verb : Cause to be in a state of complete confusion)
(Adjective : Snarled or stalled in complete confusion)
(Noun : An acronym often used by soldiers in World War II: situation normal all fucked up)
(Verb : Cause to be in a state of complete confusion)
(Adjective : Snarled or stalled in complete confusion)
Example : Should a snafu come to public attention, and there is a free press to ask embarrassing questions and point accusatory fingers, then they can see their careers end overnight.
Should a snafu come to public attention, and there is a free press to ask embarrassing questions and point accusatory fingers, then they can see their careers end overnight.
Word Example from TV Shows :

We've run into a bit of a SNAFU.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 23)

We've run into a bit of a SNAFU.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 23)
Topsy-turvydom :