Desist :
Synonyms :
Abstain from, Refrain from, Forbear from, Hold back from, Keep from, Stop, Cease, Discontinue, Suspend, Give up, Break off, Drop, Dispense with, Eschew, Lay off, Quit
Abstain from, Refrain from, Forbear from, Hold back from, Keep from, Stop, Cease, Discontinue, Suspend, Give up, Break off, Drop, Dispense with, Eschew, Lay off, Quit
English Meaning :
(Verb : Choose not to consume)
(Verb : Choose not to consume)
Example : So let's all put a stop to this tomfoolery and cease and desist from giving these Ministers pats on the back for their poor behavior.
So let's all put a stop to this tomfoolery and cease and desist from giving these Ministers pats on the back for their poor behavior.
Intermit :
English Meaning :
(Verb : Cease an action temporarily)
(Verb : Cease an action temporarily)
Example : Yes, if you have to temporarily withdraw or intermit from your course, then you can continue to use your computing account and email all the time that you are still registered with the university.
Yes, if you have to temporarily withdraw or intermit from your course, then you can continue to use your computing account and email all the time that you are still registered with the university.
Quieten :
Synonyms :
Quiet down, Shut up, Tranquillize
Quiet down, Shut up, Tranquillize
English Meaning :
(Verb : )
Example : her mother was trying to quieten her
her mother was trying to quieten her
Stow :
Synonyms :
Pack, Load, Store, Place, Put (away), Deposit, Stash
Pack, Load, Store, Place, Put (away), Deposit, Stash
English Meaning :
(Verb : Fill by packing tightly)
(Verb : Fill by packing tightly)
Example : the bathhouse offers baskets in which to stow your clothes
the bathhouse offers baskets in which to stow your clothes