Albanian to English Meaning :: pushim
pushim: Break   Intermission   Pause   Playtime   Recess   Reprieve   Respite   Rest   Standstill   Stoppage   
Break :
Synonyms :
Break, Interval, Intermission, Interregnum, Recess, Disintegrate, Crush, Stave, Kibble, Impair, Interrupt, Disband, Transgress, Discontinue, Split, Turn up, Appear, Arrive, Come, Spring, Evolve, Express, Disclose, Bring out, Breathe, Cleave, Crush into pieces, Fracture, Tear, Shatter, Reduce, Remove, Offend, Crack, Spoil, Make angry, Be discovered, Come out, Transpire, Mangle, Cut, Separate, Obstruct, Reveal, Publish, Put, Annul, Divide, Furcate, Violate, Breach, Infringe, Contravene, Overstep, Put down, Suppress, Inhibit, Sit on, Subdue, Tame, Go into bankruptcy, Fail, Bust, Bankrupt, Terminate, Determine, Pass away, Dissolve, End, Break off, Break up, Be through with, Expel, Cause to run, Pause, Be delayed, Adjourn, Defer, Cease, Prorogue, Leave over, Burst out, Know, Ken, Breakdown, Disruption, Breaking, Breakage, Staving, Cleft, Chasm, Nook, Breakup, Intermission, Separation, Hiatus, Dissolution, Severance, Repression, Restraint, Check, Subsidence, Subdual, Infringement, Contravention, Fasting, Crossing, Burst, Fission, Cleavage, Eruption, Laceration, Freedom, Grind, Grinding, Stamp, Champ, Hindrance, Impediment, Obstacle, Obstructive, Loss, Impairment, Deprivation, Ruin, Deferment, Deceleration, Delay, Cessation, Suspension, Advent, Appearance, Emergence, Apparition, Incarnation, Subtraction, Reckoning, Deduction
English Meaning :
(Noun : Some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity)
(Verb : Terminate)
Example : line break
Word Example from TV Shows :
You'd either have to break your
hip or let Howard knock you up.

You'd either have to BREAK your hip or let Howard knock you up.

The Big Bang Theory Season 11, Episode 12
Intermission :
Synonyms :
Interval, Interlude, Halftime, Entr'acte, Break, Recess, Pause, Rest, Respite, Breathing space, Lull, Gap, Stop, Stoppage, Halt, Hiatus, Cessation, Suspension, Breather, Time out
English Meaning :
(Noun : The act of suspending activity temporarily)
Example : In the intermission of the premiere, the guests looked distinctly sheepish.
Word Example from TV Shows :
We'll switch.
You'll come sit with me after intermission.

We'll switch. You'll come sit with me after INTERMISSION.

The Big Bang Theory Season 6, Episode 4
Pause :
Synonyms :
Stop, Interruption, Stop, Hesitate, Intermit
English Meaning :
(Noun : A time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something)
(Verb : Interrupt temporarily an activity before continuing)
Example : For example, you can pause your favourite television programme while you grab a snack or go to the toilet.
Word Example from TV Shows :
You know, there's a pause.
We both know what's happening.

You know, there's a PAUSE. We both know what's happening.

The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 3
Playtime :
Synonyms :
English Meaning :
(Noun : Time for play or diversion)
Example : Industrialization made toys increasingly affordable to all economic levels of society, and along with a proliferation of toys came an expanded notion of playtime as a time for recreation.
Recess :
Synonyms :
Alcove, Innermost parts/reaches, Adjournment, Niche, Inlet, Corner, Respite, Deferral, Adjourn, Break up
English Meaning :
(Noun : A state of abeyance or suspended business)
(Verb : Put into a recess)
Example : California's Legislature is due to recess its two-year session Aug.31.
Word Example from TV Shows :
I was supposed to marry
Jason Sorensen at recess,

I was supposed to marry Jason Sorensen at RECESS,

The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 1
Reprieve :
Synonyms :
Stay of execution, Respite, Abatement, Grant a stay of execution to, Save, Respite
English Meaning :
(Noun : A (temporary)
(Verb : Postpone the punishment of a convicted criminal, such as an execution)
Example : The necessary delays in explaining the new evidence, the mechanics of ordering a reprieve and so on are then all simply omitted.
Word Example from TV Shows :
So there was this sense
of wild reprieve

So there was this sense of wild REPRIEVE

Westworld Season 3, Episode 8
Respite :
Synonyms :
Rest, Postponement, Recess, Reprieve, Reprieve
English Meaning :
(Noun : A (temporary)
(Verb : Postpone the punishment of a convicted criminal, such as an execution)
Example : At best, the country has gained a temporary respite ; at worst, it has merely succeeded in stoking the flames of hatred even higher.
Word Example from TV Shows :
They give the great a chance at glory,
and the lowly a respite from their woes.

They give the great a chance at glory, and the lowly a RESPITE from their woes.

Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 4
Rest :
Synonyms :
Repose, Break, Stand, A standstill, Remainder, Respite, Residual, Quietus, Ease, Relax, Lie, Support, Be based on, Remain, Breathe, Roost, Repose, Pillow
English Meaning :
(Noun : Something left after other parts have been taken away)
(Verb : Not move; be in a resting position)
Example : She stormed off somewhere and I didn't see her the rest of the night.
Word Example from TV Shows :
- And girls.
- You already ruined Thor. Give it a rest.

- And girls. - You already ruined Thor. Give it a REST.

The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 18
Standstill :
Synonyms :
Halt, Tie-up, Dead end
English Meaning :
(Noun : A situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible)
Example : That a relatively short-lived downpour can cause a city to come to a standstill is a tragedy.
Word Example from TV Shows :
Given the professional
standstill you're at,

Given the professional STANDSTILL you're at,

The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 10
Stoppage :
Synonyms :
Discontinuation, Obstruction, Strike, Blockage, Hitch, Stop
English Meaning :
(Noun : The state of inactivity following an interruption)
Example : Each time there was a power failure, the water pumping system was disturbed while pipes burst and caused a stoppage in water supply to the township.

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