Albanian to English Meaning :: pengesë
pengesë: Barrier   Chock   Crash barrier   Drawback   Encumbrance   Fetter   Hindrance   Hurdle   Impediment   Obstacle   Roadblock   Setback   Stumbling block   
Barrier :
Synonyms :
Fence, Obstacle, Roadblock
English Meaning :
(Noun : A structure or object that impedes free movement)
Example : But even out here on the barrier islands we'll have at least 10 feet of storm surge.
Word Example from TV Shows : create a moisture barrier
against the lettuce. create a moisture BARRIER against the lettuce. (The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 14)

Chock :
Synonyms :
Wedge, Chock-a-block
English Meaning :
(Noun : A block of wood used to prevent the sliding or rolling of a heavy object)
(Verb : Secure with chocks)
(Adverb : As completely as possible)
Example : This flight-deck director didn't understand the pilot's intentions, or he wouldn't have run out on the deck and started to chock and chain the aircraft.
Crash barrier :
Drawback :
Synonyms :
Disadvantage, Snag, Downside, Stumbling block, Catch, Hitch, Pitfall, Fly in the ointment, Weak spot/point, Weakness, Imperfection, Handicap, Limitation, Trouble, Difficulty, Problem, Complication, Hindrance, Obstacle, Impediment, Obstruction, Inconvenience, Discouragement, Deterrent, Minus, Hiccup, (monkey) wrench in the works, Pull back, Retract
English Meaning :
(Noun : The quality of being a hindrance)
Example : the main drawback of fitting catalytic converters is the cost
Encumbrance :
Synonyms :
Hindrance, Burden, Interference, Load, Incumbrance
English Meaning :
(Noun : An onerous or difficult concern)
Example : the horse raised its hind leg as if to rid itself of an encumbrance
Word Example from TV Shows :
a nuisance, an encumbrance
or an encroachment,

 a nuisance, an ENCUMBRANCE or an encroachment, (The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 14)

Fetter :
Synonyms :
Hobble, Shackle, Manacle, Handcuff, Clap in irons, Put in chains, Chain (up), Cuff, Enfetter
English Meaning :
(Noun : A shackle for the ankles or feet)
(Verb : Restrain with fetters)
Example : We certainly listened very closely to the advice provided by officials, weighed up the issues, and basically came down to the basis that we must not unduly fetter or hamstring the commission itself.
Hindrance :
Synonyms :
Impediment, Interference, Baulk
English Meaning :
(Noun : Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress)
Example : The idea behind the hindrance is to prevent a fast ranking to occur on a new website.
Word Example from TV Shows :
Myself, I often find them a hindrance.

 Myself, I often find them a HINDRANCE. (Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 5)

Hurdle :
Synonyms :
Fence, Obstacle, Vault
English Meaning :
(Noun : A light movable barrier that competitors must leap over in certain races)
(Verb : Jump a hurdle)
Example : The athletes form a line behind the cone hurdles and must run to each hurdle, stop dead in front of it, then with both feet together, jump over the hurdle , landing on the toes.
Impediment :
Synonyms :
Hindrance, Defect, Obstructer, Baulk
English Meaning :
(Noun : Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress)
Example : The trip to Jupiter embodies our ability to overcome the technological impediment .
Word Example from TV Shows :
Is that a reference
to my speech impediment?

 Is that a reference to my speech IMPEDIMENT? (The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 10)

Obstacle :
Synonyms :
Barrier, Hurdle, Stumbling block, Obstruction, Bar, Block, Impediment, Hindrance, Snag, Catch, Drawback, Hitch, Handicap, Deterrent, Complication, Difficulty, Problem, Disadvantage, Curb, Check, Fly in the ointment, Monkey wrench (in the works)
English Meaning :
(Noun : Something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted)
Example : One obstacle to the dissemination of apparatus for clear, critical thinking is the media.
Word Example from TV Shows :
Too bad. You know the rules
of Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Chess.

 Too bad. You know the rules of Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Chess. (The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 18)

Roadblock :
Synonyms :
Barrier, Barricade
English Meaning :
(Noun : Any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective)
Example : In fact, his lyricism is at once his greatest strength and greatest roadblock to growth.
Word Example from TV Shows :
Why? Did you hit a roadblock
with invisibility?

 Why? Did you hit a ROADBLOCK with invisibility? (The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 4)

Setback :
Synonyms :
Problem, Difficulty, Hitch, Complication, Upset, Disappointment, Misfortune, Mishap, Reversal, Blow, Stumbling block, Hurdle, Hindrance, Impediment, Obstruction, Delay, Holdup, Glitch, Hiccup, Put back, Knock back
English Meaning :
(Noun : An unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating)
Example : a serious setback for the peace process
Word Example from TV Shows :
this is a setback and we should
adopt a different strategy.

 this is a SETBACK and we should adopt a different strategy. (The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 21)

Stumbling block :

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