Disability :
Synonyms :
Handicap, Disablement, Incapacity, Impairment, Infirmity, Defect, Abnormality, Condition, Disorder, Affliction
Handicap, Disablement, Incapacity, Impairment, Infirmity, Defect, Abnormality, Condition, Disorder, Affliction
English Meaning :
(Noun : The condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness)
(Noun : The condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness)
Example : The consent order recited that no person affected by the order was under a legal disability .
The consent order recited that no person affected by the order was under a legal disability .
Word Example from TV Shows :
Okay, if that is some sort
of learning DISABILITY...
(The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 6)
Okay, if that is some sort
of learning DISABILITY...
(The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 6)
Inaptitude :
English Meaning :
(Noun : A lack of aptitude)
(Noun : A lack of aptitude)
Incapacity :
Synonyms :
Disability, Incapability, Inability, Debility, Impairment, Indisposition, Impotence, Powerlessness, Helplessness, Incompetence, Inadequacy, Ineffectiveness
Disability, Incapability, Inability, Debility, Impairment, Indisposition, Impotence, Powerlessness, Helplessness, Incompetence, Inadequacy, Ineffectiveness
English Meaning :
(Noun : Lack of intellectual power)
(Noun : Lack of intellectual power)
Example : they are not subject to any legal incapacity
they are not subject to any legal incapacity
Incompetence :
Synonyms :
Ineptitude, Ineptness, Inability, Lack of ability, Lack of skill, Lack of proficiency, Inadequacy, Ineffectiveness, Inefficiency, Deficiency, Insufficiency, Amateurishness, Clumsiness, Uselessness
Ineptitude, Ineptness, Inability, Lack of ability, Lack of skill, Lack of proficiency, Inadequacy, Ineffectiveness, Inefficiency, Deficiency, Insufficiency, Amateurishness, Clumsiness, Uselessness
English Meaning :
(Noun : )
Example : allegations of professional incompetence
allegations of professional incompetence
Word Example from TV Shows :
No, we were annihilated
by our own INCOMPETENCE...
(The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 6)
No, we were annihilated
by our own INCOMPETENCE...
(The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 6)
Inefficiency :