Bump :
Synonyms :
Bang, Hump, Protuberance, Blow, Hit, Bounce, Displace, Dislodge, Knock, Happen, Kick downstairs
Bang, Hump, Protuberance, Blow, Hit, Bounce, Displace, Dislodge, Knock, Happen, Kick downstairs
English Meaning :
(Noun : A lump on the body caused by a blow)
(Verb : Knock against with force or violence)
(Noun : A lump on the body caused by a blow)
(Verb : Knock against with force or violence)
Example : But they say the sales increase would only be a small bump to total industry sales, already exceeding $20 billion.
But they say the sales increase would only be a small bump to total industry sales, already exceeding $20 billion.
Word Example from TV Shows :
- Can I have another BUMP?
- Look, you had your BUMP.
(Breaking Bad Season 3, Episode 12)
- Can I have another BUMP?
- Look, you had your BUMP.
(Breaking Bad Season 3, Episode 12)
Bump into :
Cannon into :
Hurtle :
Synonyms :
Speed, Cast, Thrust
English Meaning :
(Verb : Move with or as if with a rushing sound)
(Verb : Move with or as if with a rushing sound)
Example : The road was little-trafficked, though cars tended to hurtle past at alarming speeds.
The road was little-trafficked, though cars tended to hurtle past at alarming speeds.
Word Example from TV Shows :
and we HURTLE
through the very fabric of time.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 18)
and we HURTLE
through the very fabric of time.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 18)