Adherent :
Synonyms :
Follower, Supporter, Upholder, Defender, Advocate, Disciple, Votary, Devotee, Partisan, Member, Friend, Stalwart, Believer, True believer, Worshiper, Sectary
Follower, Supporter, Upholder, Defender, Advocate, Disciple, Votary, Devotee, Partisan, Member, Friend, Stalwart, Believer, True believer, Worshiper, Sectary
English Meaning :
(Noun : Someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another)
(Adjective : Sticking fast)
(Noun : Someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another)
(Adjective : Sticking fast)
Example : A growing body of evidence indicates that the primary control of adherent cell shape and deformability is exerted at the level of the cytoskeletal filaments.
A growing body of evidence indicates that the primary control of adherent cell shape and deformability is exerted at the level of the cytoskeletal filaments.
Supporter :
Synonyms :
Advocate, Backer, Contributor, Fan, Help, Garter, Jock, Sponsor, Friend
Advocate, Backer, Contributor, Fan, Help, Garter, Jock, Sponsor, Friend
English Meaning :
(Noun : )
Example : York was a keen supporter of our sport and until recently an active pilot himself.
York was a keen supporter of our sport and until recently an active pilot himself.
Word Example from TV Shows :

"The same way I didn't know
you were an Atleti SUPPORTER".
(Money Heist Season 1, Episode 6)

"The same way I didn't know
you were an Atleti SUPPORTER".
(Money Heist Season 1, Episode 6)