Expatiate :
Synonyms :
Speak/write at length, Go into detail, Expound, Dwell, Dilate, Expand, Enlarge, Elaborate, Perorate
Speak/write at length, Go into detail, Expound, Dwell, Dilate, Expand, Enlarge, Elaborate, Perorate
English Meaning :
(Verb : Add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing)
(Verb : Add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing)
Example : The commentator adopts this persona to expatiate on a variety of topics.
The commentator adopts this persona to expatiate on a variety of topics.
Ravel :
Synonyms :
Ladder, Run, Tangle, Knot
Ladder, Run, Tangle, Knot
English Meaning :
(Noun : French composer and exponent of Impressionism (1875-1937)
(Verb : Disentangle)
(Noun : French composer and exponent of Impressionism (1875-1937)
(Verb : Disentangle)
Example : What results is a controlled ravel (because the cuts are made on the bias) and a fluffy chenille effect.
What results is a controlled ravel (because the cuts are made on the bias) and a fluffy chenille effect.
Spill out :