Endways :
për së gjati
Synonyms :
End on, Endwise
English Meaning :
(Adverb : On end or upright)
(Adverb : On end or upright)
Example : a little town looking endways on to the river
a little town looking endways on to the river
Endwise :
për së gjati
Synonyms :
End on, Endways
English Meaning :
(Adverb : On end or upright)
(Adverb : On end or upright)
Longways :
për së gjati
Synonyms :
Longwise, Lengthwise, Lengthways, Longitudinally
Longwise, Lengthwise, Lengthways, Longitudinally
English Meaning :
(Noun : Country dancing performed with couples in two long lines facing each other)
(Adverb : In the direction of the length)
(Noun : Country dancing performed with couples in two long lines facing each other)
(Adverb : In the direction of the length)
Example : it has been sliced longways to show the internal structure
it has been sliced longways to show the internal structure
Longwise :
për së gjati
Synonyms :
Lengthwise, Lengthways, Longitudinally, Longways
Lengthwise, Lengthways, Longitudinally, Longways
English Meaning :
(Adverb : In the direction of the length)
(Adverb : In the direction of the length)
Example : it has been sliced longwise to show the internal structure
it has been sliced longwise to show the internal structure