Albanian to English Meaning :: ose
ose: Either   Either of   Or   
Either :
Synonyms :
Either, Other, Too, Likewise, Eke, Also, Together with, Over and above, Else, More, Further, Moreover, Besides, Farther
English Meaning :
(Adverb : After a negative statement used as an intensive meaning something like `likewise' or `also')
Example : they were on either side of me
Word Example from TV Shows :
...go back in there, be a good friend to Howard
or there's no dessert for either of you!

...go back in there, be a good friend to Howard or there's no dessert for EITHER of you!

The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 18
Either of :
Or :
Synonyms :
Operating theatre, Operating theater, Surgery, Operating room
English Meaning :
(Noun : A Boolean operator that gives the value one if at least one operand (or input) has a value of one, and otherwise has a value of zero.)
(Conjunction : Used to link alternatives.)
Example : we don't tell them it's good or bad

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