Enumerate :
Synonyms :
List, Calculate, Count, Itemize
List, Calculate, Count, Itemize
English Meaning :
(Verb : Specify individually)
(Verb : Specify individually)
Example : there is not space to enumerate all his works
there is not space to enumerate all his works
Numerate :
Synonyms :
Count, Enumerate, Number
English Meaning :
(Verb : Determine the number or amount of)
(Adjective : Able to understand and use numbers)
(Verb : Determine the number or amount of)
(Adjective : Able to understand and use numbers)
Example : In those days, we were still turning out literate, numerate children - but my aim was to give them a love of learning, too!
In those days, we were still turning out literate, numerate children - but my aim was to give them a love of learning, too!