Eulogize :
ngre në qiell
Synonyms :
Extol, Acclaim, Sing the praises of, Praise to the skies, Overpraise, Wax lyrical about, Rhapsodize about, Rave about, Enthuse about, Ballyhoo, Hype
Extol, Acclaim, Sing the praises of, Praise to the skies, Overpraise, Wax lyrical about, Rhapsodize about, Rave about, Enthuse about, Ballyhoo, Hype
English Meaning :
(Verb : Praise formally and eloquently)
(Verb : Praise formally and eloquently)
Example : And though his essays never made it to popular publications, mainstream newspapers and web sites have eulogized him.
And though his essays never made it to popular publications, mainstream newspapers and web sites have eulogized him.