Albanian to English Meaning :: ndërmarrje
ndërmarrje: Enterprise   Undertaking   Venture   
Enterprise :
Synonyms :
Undertaking, Initiative, Business, Endeavor
English Meaning :
(Noun : A purposeful or industrious undertaking (especially one that requires effort or boldness)
Example : The spirit of enterprise is alive and kicking in Scotland.
Word Example from TV Shows :
<i>What I want is to be departing
the starship Enterprise...</i>

 What I want is to be departing the starship Enterprise... (The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 11)

Undertaking :
Synonyms :
Enterprise, Pledge, Task, Tackle, Contract, Take on, Take in charge, Guarantee, Attempt
English Meaning :
(Noun : Any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted)
(Verb : Enter upon an activity or enterprise)
Example : In the application, my learned friend said that, if it was to be granted, there was an agreement or, at least, there was an undertaking that costs would be paid in any event to the respondent.
Word Example from TV Shows :
This would be
a massive undertaking...

 This would be a massive UNDERTAKING... (The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 10)

Venture :
Synonyms :
Enterprise, Speculation, Set out, Put forward, Dare, Hazard, Embark, Jeopardize
English Meaning :
(Noun : Any venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain outcome)
(Verb : Proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers)
Example : Life insurance became a profitable commercial venture provided by firms such as the Prudential.
Word Example from TV Shows :
It\'s going to be expensive\\Nto venture into the lion\'s den, huh?\0

 It's going to be expensive
to VENTURE into the lion's den, huh? (Money Heist Season 3, Episode 2)

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