Elate :
në gjendje të gëzuar
Synonyms :
Intoxicate, Lift up, Uplift, Pick up
Intoxicate, Lift up, Uplift, Pick up
English Meaning :
(Verb : Fill with high spirits; fill with optimism)
(Verb : Fill with high spirits; fill with optimism)
Example : His eye, elate with happiness, was reading eagerly the tearful gaze of Haidee, when suddenly the door opened.
His eye, elate with happiness, was reading eagerly the tearful gaze of Haidee, when suddenly the door opened.
Elated :
në gjendje të gëzuar
Synonyms :
Thrilled, Delighted, Overjoyed, Ecstatic, Euphoric, Very happy, Joyous, Gleeful, Jubilant, Beside oneself, Exultant, Rapturous, In raptures, Walking on air, On cloud nine, In seventh heaven, Jumping for joy, In transports of delight, On top of the world, Over the moon, On a high, Tickled pink
Thrilled, Delighted, Overjoyed, Ecstatic, Euphoric, Very happy, Joyous, Gleeful, Jubilant, Beside oneself, Exultant, Rapturous, In raptures, Walking on air, On cloud nine, In seventh heaven, Jumping for joy, In transports of delight, On top of the world, Over the moon, On a high, Tickled pink