Contumacy :
Synonyms :
Disobedience, Turbulence, Insubordination, Contumacy, Obstinacy, Recalcitrance, Obduracy, Pertinacity, Self-will, Insistence, Dogged perseverance, Obstinate insistence
Disobedience, Turbulence, Insubordination, Contumacy, Obstinacy, Recalcitrance, Obduracy, Pertinacity, Self-will, Insistence, Dogged perseverance, Obstinate insistence
English Meaning :
(Noun : Willful refusal to appear before a court or comply with a court order; can result in a finding of contempt of court)
(Noun : Willful refusal to appear before a court or comply with a court order; can result in a finding of contempt of court)
Example : These insults his contumacy  this behavior was the last straw!
These insults his contumacy  this behavior was the last straw!
Disobedience :
English Meaning :
(Noun : The failure to obey)
(Noun : The failure to obey)
Example : History shows that when faced by mass disobedience , governments always cave.
History shows that when faced by mass disobedience , governments always cave.