Embodiment :
Synonyms :
Personification, Shape, Incarnation
Personification, Shape, Incarnation
English Meaning :
(Noun : A new personification of a familiar idea)
(Noun : A new personification of a familiar idea)
Example : Central to much recent work on embodiment is the metaphor of the body as a text or surface upon which our cultural and personal identity is written.
Central to much recent work on embodiment is the metaphor of the body as a text or surface upon which our cultural and personal identity is written.
Word Example from TV Shows :
And may I say,
you are the living EMBODIMENT...
(The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 13)
And may I say,
you are the living EMBODIMENT...
(The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 13)
Epitome :
Synonyms :
Personification, Embodiment, Incarnation, Paragon, Essence, Quintessence, Archetype, Paradigm, Exemplar, Model, Soul, Example, Height
Personification, Embodiment, Incarnation, Paragon, Essence, Quintessence, Archetype, Paradigm, Exemplar, Model, Soul, Example, Height
English Meaning :
(Noun : A standard or typical example)
(Noun : A standard or typical example)
Example : These people have become the epitome and complete personification of Greed and Corruption.
These people have become the epitome and complete personification of Greed and Corruption.
Word Example from TV Shows :
I love cats.
They're the EPITOME of indifference.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 4, Episode 3)
I love cats.
They're the EPITOME of indifference.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 4, Episode 3)
Incarnation :
Synonyms :
Embodiment, Lifetime, Personification
Embodiment, Lifetime, Personification
English Meaning :
(Noun : A new personification of a familiar idea)
(Noun : A new personification of a familiar idea)
Example : Nearly all of the world's religions include a God of some form, often more than one incarnation of the same deity.
Nearly all of the world's religions include a God of some form, often more than one incarnation of the same deity.