Cajole :
Synonyms :
Persuade, Wheedle, Coax, Talk into, Prevail on, Sweet-talk, Butter up, Soft-soap, Seduce, Inveigle
Persuade, Wheedle, Coax, Talk into, Prevail on, Sweet-talk, Butter up, Soft-soap, Seduce, Inveigle
English Meaning :
(Verb : Influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering)
(Verb : Influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering)
Example : Elsewhere, it may be acceptable for shop assistants to flatter and cajole you into buying anything, irrespective of whether it suits you.
Elsewhere, it may be acceptable for shop assistants to flatter and cajole you into buying anything, irrespective of whether it suits you.