Highest-ranking :
më i lartë
Most high :
më i lartë
Top :
më i lartë
Synonyms :
Highest, Foremost, Upper, Prime, Maximum, Summit, Upper part, Leaves, Lid, Shirt, High point, Cover, Big top, Pinnacle, Teetotum, Upper side, Crest, Exceed, Lead, Cover, Pinch, Clear, Crown, Overstep, Top out, Top off
Highest, Foremost, Upper, Prime, Maximum, Summit, Upper part, Leaves, Lid, Shirt, High point, Cover, Big top, Pinnacle, Teetotum, Upper side, Crest, Exceed, Lead, Cover, Pinch, Clear, Crown, Overstep, Top out, Top off
English Meaning :
(Noun : The upper part of anything)
(Verb : Be superior or better than some standard)
(Adjective : Situated at the top or highest position)
(Noun : The upper part of anything)
(Verb : Be superior or better than some standard)
(Adjective : Situated at the top or highest position)
Example : The landlord, Mick, is always coming up with wacky ideas so we thought we would top him for a change.
The landlord, Mick, is always coming up with wacky ideas so we thought we would top him for a change.
Word Example from TV Shows :
That TOP has paid for itself
in free drinks like ten
(The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 6)
That TOP has paid for itself
in free drinks like ten
(The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 6)