Synonyms :
Flower, Prime, Radiance, Bloom of youth, Efflorescence, Flush, Blooming, Blossom, Flower, Flourish, Blossom
Flower, Prime, Radiance, Bloom of youth, Efflorescence, Flush, Blooming, Blossom, Flower, Flourish, Blossom
Example : When the fruit tree is in bloom , they can perhaps subsist by picking the fruit off the tree; but suppose there is a blight, one year, on fruit trees?
Word Example from TV Shows :
We found a BLOOM of her DNA
(Westworld Season 2, Episode 7)
We found a BLOOM of her DNA
(Westworld Season 2, Episode 7)
Burgeoning :
Synonyms :
Flourish, Thrive, Prosper, Improve, Develop, Expand, Escalate, Swell, Grow, Boom, Mushroom, Snowball, Rocket
Flourish, Thrive, Prosper, Improve, Develop, Expand, Escalate, Swell, Grow, Boom, Mushroom, Snowball, Rocket
English Meaning :
(Verb : )
Efflorescence :
Synonyms :
Bloom, Blossoming, Roseola
Bloom, Blossoming, Roseola
English Meaning :
(Noun : The period of greatest prosperity or productivity)
(Noun : The period of greatest prosperity or productivity)
Florescence :
Synonyms :
Blossoming, Anthesis, Inflorescence, Flowering, Efflorescence
Blossoming, Anthesis, Inflorescence, Flowering, Efflorescence
English Meaning :
(Noun : The time and process of budding and unfolding of blossoms)
(Noun : The time and process of budding and unfolding of blossoms)
Example : To do so, it is common to gain a measure of PSII electron transport using chlorophyll fluorescence .
To do so, it is common to gain a measure of PSII electron transport using chlorophyll fluorescence .
Flowering :
Synonyms :
Blossoming, Florescence, Anthesis, Inflorescence, Efflorescence, Bloom, Blossom
Blossoming, Florescence, Anthesis, Inflorescence, Efflorescence, Bloom, Blossom
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
(Verb : )
Example : It was tracked down at last and turned out to be a female, who on the last morning paid a visit to the flowering bushes beneath the balcony.
It was tracked down at last and turned out to be a female, who on the last morning paid a visit to the flowering bushes beneath the balcony.
Thrift :
Synonyms :
Frugality, Economy, Economizing, Thriftiness, Providence, Prudence, Good management, Good husbandry, Saving, Scrimping and saving, Abstemiousness, Parsimony, Penny-pinching, Austerity
Frugality, Economy, Economizing, Thriftiness, Providence, Prudence, Good management, Good husbandry, Saving, Scrimping and saving, Abstemiousness, Parsimony, Penny-pinching, Austerity
English Meaning :
(Noun : Any of numerous sun-loving low-growing evergreens of the genus Armeria having round heads of pink or white flowers)
(Noun : Any of numerous sun-loving low-growing evergreens of the genus Armeria having round heads of pink or white flowers)
Example : No wonder, many victims readily conclude that thrift and self-reliance are useless and even injurious and that spending and debt are preferable by far.
No wonder, many victims readily conclude that thrift and self-reliance are useless and even injurious and that spending and debt are preferable by far.