Albanian to English Meaning :: lidhës
lidhës: Conjunctive   Connective   Solder   Syndetic   
Conjunctive :
Synonyms :
Cooperative, Concerted, Conjunct, Conjunction, Continuative, Connective
English Meaning :
(Noun : An uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences)
(Adjective : Serving or tending to connect)
Example : To succeed in setting aside a Default Judgment, the Defendant must satisfy this three-part conjunctive test.
Connective :
Synonyms :
Conjunction, Continuative, Conjunctive
English Meaning :
(Noun : An uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences)
(Adjective : Connecting or tending to connect)
Example : Finally, the outer layer of connective cells surrounding the interior portions of the eye, a thin cartilaginous or bony tissue known as the sclera, is formed entirely from migratory neural crest cells.
Solder :
Synonyms :
Solder, Betel, Piper betle, Dredge
English Meaning :
(Noun : An alloy (usually of lead and tin)
(Verb : Join or fuse with solder)
Example : In many power devices handling large currents, high-melting-point solder containing lead is used internally to ensure high reliability.
Word Example from TV Shows :
Yeah, no.
A little electrical tape, some solder...

 Yeah, no. A little electrical tape, some SOLDER... (The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 12)

Syndetic :
Synonyms :
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Connected by a conjunction)
Example : This is syndetic coordination, since a coordinating conjunction is present.

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