Carp :
Synonyms :
Complain, Cavil, Grumble, Grouse, Whine, Bleat, Nag, Gripe, Grouch, Beef, Bellyache, Moan, Bitch, Whinge, Kvetch
Complain, Cavil, Grumble, Grouse, Whine, Bleat, Nag, Gripe, Grouch, Beef, Bellyache, Moan, Bitch, Whinge, Kvetch
English Meaning :
(Noun : The lean flesh of a fish that is often farmed; can be baked or braised)
(Verb : Raise trivial objections)
(Noun : The lean flesh of a fish that is often farmed; can be baked or braised)
(Verb : Raise trivial objections)
Example : Club matches have been won with nearly 20 lb of small fish including carp , tench, skimmers, perch and orfe.
Club matches have been won with nearly 20 lb of small fish including carp , tench, skimmers, perch and orfe.