Churl :
Synonyms :
Grump, Peasant, Scrooge
English Meaning :
(Noun : A crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement)
(Noun : A crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement)
Example : I hated him before, but now the miserable churl only has my most profound pity!
I hated him before, but now the miserable churl only has my most profound pity!
Curmudgeon :
Synonyms :
Curmudgeon, Cross-patch, Scrooge
Curmudgeon, Cross-patch, Scrooge
English Meaning :
(Noun : A crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas)
(Noun : A crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas)
Example : These aren't just the mutterings of an old curmudgeon .
These aren't just the mutterings of an old curmudgeon .
Grasping :
Synonyms :
Avaricious, Greedy, Seizing, Grip, Understand, Take advantage of, Hold on, Grok
Avaricious, Greedy, Seizing, Grip, Understand, Take advantage of, Hold on, Grok
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
(Verb : )
Example : It rather appears that your job of spiritual adviser is being undermined by your brother, the grasping wretch.
It rather appears that your job of spiritual adviser is being undermined by your brother, the grasping wretch.
Word Example from TV Shows :

I've got a robot hand
GRASPING a man's penis out here.
The Big Bang Theory Season 4, Episode 1

I've got a robot hand
GRASPING a man's penis out here.
The Big Bang Theory Season 4, Episode 1
Miser :
Synonyms :
Penny-pincher, Scrooge, Pinchpenny, Skinflint, Money-grubber, Cheapskate, Tightwad, Piker
Penny-pincher, Scrooge, Pinchpenny, Skinflint, Money-grubber, Cheapskate, Tightwad, Piker
English Meaning :
(Noun : A stingy hoarder of money and possessions (often living miserably)
(Noun : A stingy hoarder of money and possessions (often living miserably)
Example : Although Uncle Roger lives in a small ramshackle cottage that looks more like a rat-infested hovel, Colin believes the man is a miser , and is sure there's money that has been stashed away.
Although Uncle Roger lives in a small ramshackle cottage that looks more like a rat-infested hovel, Colin believes the man is a miser , and is sure there's money that has been stashed away.
Money-grubber :
Money-grubbing :
Niggard :
Synonyms :
Scrooge, Skinflint, Churl
Scrooge, Skinflint, Churl
English Meaning :
(Noun : A selfish person who is unwilling to give or spend)
(Noun : A selfish person who is unwilling to give or spend)
Example : Returns for the first group confirm the widely held belief that ownership requirements enhance the performance of laggard companies.
Returns for the first group confirm the widely held belief that ownership requirements enhance the performance of laggard companies.
Tightwad :
Synonyms :
Miser, Cheapskate, Penny-pincher, Skinflint, Scrooge
Miser, Cheapskate, Penny-pincher, Skinflint, Scrooge
English Meaning :
(Noun : A miserly person)
(Noun : A miserly person)
Example : Just what is it that makes the stingiest people in Britain pinch the pennies to such extremes that they have won the unenviable moniker of tightwad ?
Just what is it that makes the stingiest people in Britain pinch the pennies to such extremes that they have won the unenviable moniker of tightwad ?