Graybeard :
kanë argjili
Synonyms :
Old man, Methuselah, Greybeard
Old man, Methuselah, Greybeard
English Meaning :
(Noun : A man who is very old)
(Noun : A man who is very old)
Greybeard :
kanë argjili
Synonyms :
Old man, Graybeard, Methuselah
Old man, Graybeard, Methuselah
English Meaning :
(Noun : A man who is very old)
(Noun : A man who is very old)
Example : Despite all these changes, we graybeards can take comfort in the fact that there is indeed at least one ‘Eternal Marketing Truth’ which still applies.
Despite all these changes, we graybeards can take comfort in the fact that there is indeed at least one ‘Eternal Marketing Truth’ which still applies.