Crackle :
Synonyms :
Crackleware, Crepitation, Sizzle, Crunch, Crepitate
Crackleware, Crepitation, Sizzle, Crunch, Crepitate
English Meaning :
(Noun : The sharp sound of snapping noises)
(Verb : Make a crackling sound)
(Adjective : Having the surface decorated with a network of fine cracks, as in crackleware)
(Noun : The sharp sound of snapping noises)
(Verb : Make a crackling sound)
(Adjective : Having the surface decorated with a network of fine cracks, as in crackleware)
Example : The crackle varnish of recent years provides a geological quality probably inspired by the Porcelain series of works by a 1990s collaborator, Heather Straka.
The crackle varnish of recent years provides a geological quality probably inspired by the Porcelain series of works by a 1990s collaborator, Heather Straka.
Crackling :
Synonyms :
Crackle, Greaves, Sizzle, Crunch, Crepitate
Crackle, Greaves, Sizzle, Crunch, Crepitate
English Meaning :
(Noun : The residue that remains after animal fat has been rendered)
(Verb : Make a crackling sound)
(Noun : The residue that remains after animal fat has been rendered)
(Verb : Make a crackling sound)
Example : Plenty of tender, pink meat, with the original touch of being cooked into crispy crackling on top.
Plenty of tender, pink meat, with the original touch of being cooked into crispy crackling on top.
Word Example from TV Shows :
(electrical CRACKLING, popping)
(The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 7)
(electrical CRACKLING, popping)
(The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 7)
Creak :
Synonyms :
Creaking, Squeak, Grate, Rasp, Groan, Complain
Creaking, Squeak, Grate, Rasp, Groan, Complain
English Meaning :
(Noun : A squeaking sound)
(Verb : Make a high-pitched, screeching noise)
(Noun : A squeaking sound)
(Verb : Make a high-pitched, screeching noise)
Example : I heard gates creak open as I hugged a pillow to my ears.
I heard gates creak open as I hugged a pillow to my ears.
Word Example from TV Shows :
(Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 8)
(Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 8)
Gride :