Impractical :
Synonyms :
Unrealistic, Unsuitable, Idealistic, Windy
Unrealistic, Unsuitable, Idealistic, Windy
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Not practical; not workable or not given to practical matters)
(Adjective : Not practical; not workable or not given to practical matters)
Example : We hope he will join us in looking for realistic proposals to solve this problem instead of inventing impractical schemes like some latter day Walter Mitty.
We hope he will join us in looking for realistic proposals to solve this problem instead of inventing impractical schemes like some latter day Walter Mitty.
Unworkable :
Synonyms :
Impracticable, Unfeasible, Nonviable, Unrealizable, Impossible
Impracticable, Unfeasible, Nonviable, Unrealizable, Impossible
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
Example : As the costs rise and the race hate builds and the unworkable , self-defeating new scheme unravels, Labor will be mute.
As the costs rise and the race hate builds and the unworkable , self-defeating new scheme unravels, Labor will be mute.