Diligent :
i zellshëm
Synonyms :
Industrious, Hard-working, Assiduous, Conscientious, Particular, Punctilious, Meticulous, Painstaking, Rigorous, Careful, Thorough, Sedulous, Earnest, Persevering, Persistent, Tenacious, Zealous, Dedicated, Committed, Unflagging, Untiring, Tireless, Indefatigable, Dogged, Laborious
Industrious, Hard-working, Assiduous, Conscientious, Particular, Punctilious, Meticulous, Painstaking, Rigorous, Careful, Thorough, Sedulous, Earnest, Persevering, Persistent, Tenacious, Zealous, Dedicated, Committed, Unflagging, Untiring, Tireless, Indefatigable, Dogged, Laborious
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Quietly and steadily persevering especially in detail or exactness, or patient, or patient)
(Adjective : Quietly and steadily persevering especially in detail or exactness, or patient, or patient)
Example : So you'll have to be quite diligent when searching for a key, or certain item that you need to proceed.
So you'll have to be quite diligent when searching for a key, or certain item that you need to proceed.
Word Example from TV Shows :

Well, that's very DILIGENT.
Very responsible.
(Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 4)

Well, that's very DILIGENT.
Very responsible.
(Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 4)
Industrious :
i zellshëm
Synonyms :
Hard-working, Hardworking, Up-and-coming
Hard-working, Hardworking, Up-and-coming
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Characterized by hard work and perseverance)
(Adjective : Characterized by hard work and perseverance)
Example : With it comes an economy that mainly stands on consumption rather than on the industrious craft of production.
With it comes an economy that mainly stands on consumption rather than on the industrious craft of production.
Word Example from TV Shows :

(Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 8)

(Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 8)
Sedulous :
i zellshëm
Synonyms :
Diligent, Careful, Meticulous, Thorough, Assiduous, Attentive, Industrious, Conscientious, Ultra-careful, Punctilious, Scrupulous, Painstaking, Minute, Rigorous, Particular
Diligent, Careful, Meticulous, Thorough, Assiduous, Attentive, Industrious, Conscientious, Ultra-careful, Punctilious, Scrupulous, Painstaking, Minute, Rigorous, Particular
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Marked by care and persistent effort)
(Adjective : Marked by care and persistent effort)
Example : Certainly, no one should think about playing the sedulous ape to him.
Certainly, no one should think about playing the sedulous ape to him.
Strenuous :
i zellshëm
Synonyms :
Arduous, Vigorous
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Characterized by or performed with much energy or force)
(Adjective : Characterized by or performed with much energy or force)
Example : It's a fairly strenuous activity, but only needs doing twice a year.
It's a fairly strenuous activity, but only needs doing twice a year.
Studious :
i zellshëm
Synonyms :
Scholarly, Diligent, Deliberate, Bookish
Scholarly, Diligent, Deliberate, Bookish
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Marked by care and effort)
(Adjective : Marked by care and effort)
Example : He casually knocks down all the hopes of the intelligent, studious young children, assuring them that while they can be great athletes, they cannot work in any academic field.
He casually knocks down all the hopes of the intelligent, studious young children, assuring them that while they can be great athletes, they cannot work in any academic field.
Zealous :
i zellshëm
Synonyms :
Fervent, Ardent, Fervid, Fanatical, Passionate, Impassioned, Devout, Devoted, Committed, Dedicated, Hard-core, Enthusiastic, Eager, Keen, Overkeen, Avid, Card-carrying, Vigorous, Energetic, Intense, Fierce, Perfervid
Fervent, Ardent, Fervid, Fanatical, Passionate, Impassioned, Devout, Devoted, Committed, Dedicated, Hard-core, Enthusiastic, Eager, Keen, Overkeen, Avid, Card-carrying, Vigorous, Energetic, Intense, Fierce, Perfervid
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
Example : Just how zealous is the religious right?
Just how zealous is the religious right?