Ineffable :
i pashprehur
Synonyms :
Indescribable, Unutterable, Unspeakable
Indescribable, Unutterable, Unspeakable
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Defying expression or description)
(Adjective : Defying expression or description)
Example : How to convey in words my ineffable dreams that I have never told anyone about, that cannot be spoken about?
How to convey in words my ineffable dreams that I have never told anyone about, that cannot be spoken about?
Inexpressible :
i pashprehur
Synonyms :
Indescribable, Indefinable, Unutterable, Unspeakable, Ineffable, Beyond words, Nameless, Unimaginable, Inconceivable, Unthinkable, Untold
Indescribable, Indefinable, Unutterable, Unspeakable, Ineffable, Beyond words, Nameless, Unimaginable, Inconceivable, Unthinkable, Untold
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Defying expression)
(Adjective : Defying expression)
Example : Their ride brings them inexpressible glee and joy.
Their ride brings them inexpressible glee and joy.
Unsaid :
i pashprehur
Synonyms :
Unspoken, Unuttered, Unstated, Unexpressed, Unvoiced, Suppressed, Tacit, Implicit, Not spelled out, Implied, Understood, Inferred, Take back, Swallow, Withdraw
Unspoken, Unuttered, Unstated, Unexpressed, Unvoiced, Suppressed, Tacit, Implicit, Not spelled out, Implied, Understood, Inferred, Take back, Swallow, Withdraw
English Meaning :
(Verb : Take back what one has said)
(Adjective : Not made explicit)
(Verb : Take back what one has said)
(Adjective : Not made explicit)
Example : But as with all government business, many things remain unsaid or unexplained, in which case I have to draw my own conclusions.
But as with all government business, many things remain unsaid or unexplained, in which case I have to draw my own conclusions.
Unspeakable :
i pashprehur
Synonyms :
Indescribable, Horrific, Ineffable, Abominable
Indescribable, Horrific, Ineffable, Abominable
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Defying expression or description)
(Adjective : Defying expression or description)
Example : His beautifully judged film matches the moments of comedy with glimpses of the unspeakable tragedies that can send a life into tailspin.
His beautifully judged film matches the moments of comedy with glimpses of the unspeakable tragedies that can send a life into tailspin.
Word Example from TV Shows :

Do you think your father is doing
UNSPEAKABLE things to my mother?
(The Big Bang Theory Season 10, Episode 1)

Do you think your father is doing
UNSPEAKABLE things to my mother?
(The Big Bang Theory Season 10, Episode 1)
Unspoken :
i pashprehur
Synonyms :
Unstated, Mute, Unsaid
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
Example : There was an unspoken understanding that if a dancer was not pleasing, she would not be paid.
There was an unspoken understanding that if a dancer was not pleasing, she would not be paid.