Apocryphal :
i paprovuar
Synonyms :
Fictitious, Made-up, Untrue, Fabricated, False, Spurious, Unverified, Unauthenticated, Unsubstantiated, Bogus
Fictitious, Made-up, Untrue, Fabricated, False, Spurious, Unverified, Unauthenticated, Unsubstantiated, Bogus
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Being of questionable authenticity)
(Adjective : Being of questionable authenticity)
Example : In much the same way that the - no doubt - apocryphal tale of the mum writing her son a note excusing him from gym the following week because ÔÇÿhe will have fluÔÇÖ always raises a titter.
In much the same way that the - no doubt - apocryphal tale of the mum writing her son a note excusing him from gym the following week because ÔÇÿhe will have fluÔÇÖ always raises a titter.
Unproved :
i paprovuar
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Not proved)
Untried :
i paprovuar
Synonyms :
Untested, Young
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
Example : Even if you think, as I do, that these are both improvements, I don't think they are reason enough to replace someone who is clearly successful and performing well with somebody untried , just for the sake of it.
Even if you think, as I do, that these are both improvements, I don't think they are reason enough to replace someone who is clearly successful and performing well with somebody untried , just for the sake of it.