Extemporaneous :
i papërgatitur
Synonyms :
Ad-lib, Impromptu, Offhanded, Extempore, Offhand, Off-the-cuff, Unrehearsed, Extemporary
Ad-lib, Impromptu, Offhanded, Extempore, Offhand, Off-the-cuff, Unrehearsed, Extemporary
English Meaning :
(Adjective : With little or no preparation or forethought)
(Adjective : With little or no preparation or forethought)
Example : His delivery is so smooth that it appears extemporaneous , but his analyses and the provocative bombs he drops hit with such precision that he played this tune before.
His delivery is so smooth that it appears extemporaneous , but his analyses and the provocative bombs he drops hit with such precision that he played this tune before.
Extemporary :
i papërgatitur
Synonyms :
Ad-lib, Impromptu, Offhanded, Extempore, Extemporaneous, Offhand, Off-the-cuff, Unrehearsed
Ad-lib, Impromptu, Offhanded, Extempore, Extemporaneous, Offhand, Off-the-cuff, Unrehearsed
English Meaning :
(Adjective : With little or no preparation or forethought)
(Adjective : With little or no preparation or forethought)
Example : The judgment says what it says, and we are not going to say anything extemporary which modifies what we have said in the judgment.
The judgment says what it says, and we are not going to say anything extemporary which modifies what we have said in the judgment.
Extempore :
i papërgatitur
Synonyms :
Impromptu, Spontaneous, Unscripted, Ad lib, Extemporary, Extemporaneous, Improvised, Unrehearsed, Unplanned, Unprepared, Off the top of one's head, Off-the-cuff, Ad libitum, Spontaneously, Extemporaneously, Ad lib, Without preparation, Without rehearsal, Off the top of one's head, Off the cuff, Ad libitum
Impromptu, Spontaneous, Unscripted, Ad lib, Extemporary, Extemporaneous, Improvised, Unrehearsed, Unplanned, Unprepared, Off the top of one's head, Off-the-cuff, Ad libitum, Spontaneously, Extemporaneously, Ad lib, Without preparation, Without rehearsal, Off the top of one's head, Off the cuff, Ad libitum
English Meaning :
(Adjective : With little or no preparation or forethought)
(Adverb : Without prior preparation)
(Adjective : With little or no preparation or forethought)
(Adverb : Without prior preparation)
Example : First up were the talents of the award-winning extempore duo and they dazzled the crowd with their improvisational skills and stinging repartee.
First up were the talents of the award-winning extempore duo and they dazzled the crowd with their improvisational skills and stinging repartee.
Off-the-cuff :
i papërgatitur
Unequipped :
i papërgatitur
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Without necessary physical or intellectual equipment)
(Adjective : Without necessary physical or intellectual equipment)
Example : These students are desperately unequipped to handle the rapidly evolving and demanding technical and professional skills in the public sector and the business world of the 21st Century.
These students are desperately unequipped to handle the rapidly evolving and demanding technical and professional skills in the public sector and the business world of the 21st Century.
Unprepared :
i papërgatitur
Synonyms :
Unready, (caught) off (one's) guard, Surprised, Taken aback, Caught napping, Caught flat-footed, Caught with one's pants down
Unready, (caught) off (one's) guard, Surprised, Taken aback, Caught napping, Caught flat-footed, Caught with one's pants down
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Without preparation; not prepared for)
(Adjective : Without preparation; not prepared for)
Example : Mia was soon caught unprepared for the sudden rise in altitude that Phyconos performed.
Mia was soon caught unprepared for the sudden rise in altitude that Phyconos performed.
Word Example from TV Shows :

The truth can indeed be a finger down
the throat of those UNPREPARED to hear it.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 6)

The truth can indeed be a finger down
the throat of those UNPREPARED to hear it.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 6)