Albanian to English Meaning :: i pamend
i pamend: Foolish   Inane   Mindless   Pinheaded   
Foolish :
i pamend
Synonyms :
Stupid, Silly, Idiotic, Witless, Brainless, Vacuous, Mindless, Unintelligent, Thoughtless, Half-baked, Harebrained, Imprudent, Incautious, Injudicious, Unwise, Ill-advised, Ill-considered, Impolitic, Rash, Reckless, Foolhardy, Daft, Dumb, Dim, Dimwitted, Halfwitted, Thick, Crack-brained, Crackpot, Pea-brained, Wooden-headed, Dumb-ass, Chowderheaded
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Devoid of good sense or judgment)
Example : He understood that it would be bad and foolish to risk everything for stubborn pride.
Word Example from TV Shows :
But I now realize how foolish that is.

 But I now realize how FOOLISH that is. (The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 10)

Inane :
i pamend
Synonyms :
Silly, Foolish, Stupid, Fatuous, Idiotic, Ridiculous, Ludicrous, Absurd, Senseless, Asinine, Frivolous, Vapid, Childish, Puerile, Dumb, Moronic, Ditzy, Daft
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Extremely silly or stupid)
Example : I can only imagine that the post-convention theme will be just as inane .
Mindless :
i pamend
Synonyms :
Stupid, Unthinking, Mechanical, Fatuous, Senseless, Forgetful
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Lacking the thinking capacity characteristic of a conscious being)
Example : He had given up work in disgust at the sheer banality of everyday life - this mindless activity just to get your old age pension.
Word Example from TV Shows :
But he wasn\'t mindless. He had his reasons.

 But he wasn't MINDLESS. He had his reasons. (Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 8)

Pinheaded :
i pamend
Synonyms :

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