Disaffected :
i pakënaqur
Synonyms :
Dissatisfied, Disgruntled, Discontented, Malcontent, Frustrated, Alienated, Disloyal, Rebellious, Mutinous, Seditious, Dissident, Up in arms, Hostile, Antagonistic, Unfriendly, Estrange, Alienate, Alien
Dissatisfied, Disgruntled, Discontented, Malcontent, Frustrated, Alienated, Disloyal, Rebellious, Mutinous, Seditious, Dissident, Up in arms, Hostile, Antagonistic, Unfriendly, Estrange, Alienate, Alien
English Meaning :
(Verb : Arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness)
(Adjective : Discontented as toward authority)
(Verb : Arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness)
(Adjective : Discontented as toward authority)
Example : The terrorist recruitment base is always disaffected , radicalised youth.
The terrorist recruitment base is always disaffected , radicalised youth.
Discontented :
i pakënaqur
Synonyms :
Dissatisfied, Disgruntled, Fed up, Disaffected, Discontent, Malcontent, Unhappy, Aggrieved, Displeased, Resentful, Restless, Frustrated, Irritated, Annoyed, Fed up (to the teeth), Teed off, Ticked off
Dissatisfied, Disgruntled, Fed up, Disaffected, Discontent, Malcontent, Unhappy, Aggrieved, Displeased, Resentful, Restless, Frustrated, Irritated, Annoyed, Fed up (to the teeth), Teed off, Ticked off
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
Example : He was a melancholic, discontented man, with problems of his own.
He was a melancholic, discontented man, with problems of his own.
Dissatisfied :
i pakënaqur
Synonyms :
Discontented, Malcontent, Unsatisfied, Disappointed, Disaffected, Unhappy, Displeased, Disgruntled, Aggrieved, Vexed, Annoyed, Irritated, Angry, Exasperated, Fed up
Discontented, Malcontent, Unsatisfied, Disappointed, Disaffected, Unhappy, Displeased, Disgruntled, Aggrieved, Vexed, Annoyed, Irritated, Angry, Exasperated, Fed up
English Meaning :
(Verb : Fail to satisfy)
(Adjective : In a state of sulky dissatisfaction)
(Verb : Fail to satisfy)
(Adjective : In a state of sulky dissatisfaction)
Example : Pundits say he stole most of his votes from dissatisfied separatists who believe their party lost its leftist ideals.
Pundits say he stole most of his votes from dissatisfied separatists who believe their party lost its leftist ideals.
Grouchy :
i pakënaqur
Synonyms :
Grumpy, Cross, Irritable, Bad-tempered, Crotchety, Crabby, Cantankerous, Curmudgeonly, Testy, Tetchy, Huffy, Snappish, Waspish, Prickly, Snappy, Cranky
Grumpy, Cross, Irritable, Bad-tempered, Crotchety, Crabby, Cantankerous, Curmudgeonly, Testy, Tetchy, Huffy, Snappish, Waspish, Prickly, Snappy, Cranky
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
Example : I was so tired and grouchy I just couldn't be bothered.
I was so tired and grouchy I just couldn't be bothered.
Word Example from TV Shows :
You're a GROUCHY
old bear, aren't you, Clegane?
(Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 1)
You're a GROUCHY
old bear, aren't you, Clegane?
(Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 1)
Unsatisfied :
i pakënaqur
Synonyms :
Restless, Ungratified
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Not having been satisfied)
(Adjective : Not having been satisfied)
Example : They still appear to be unsatisfied that Barnes's departure will cure the malaise which affects the club.
They still appear to be unsatisfied that Barnes's departure will cure the malaise which affects the club.
Word Example from TV Shows :
I have a craving for white asparagus that,
apparently, is destined to go UNSATISFIED.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 9)
I have a craving for white asparagus that,
apparently, is destined to go UNSATISFIED.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 9)