Synonyms :
Foul, Yucky, Revolting, Disgusting, Distasteful, Skanky, Loathsome, Repelling, Repellent, Disgustful, Wicked
Foul, Yucky, Revolting, Disgusting, Distasteful, Skanky, Loathsome, Repelling, Repellent, Disgustful, Wicked
Word Example from TV Shows : being betrayed
by a LOATHSOME son of a bitch.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 11) being betrayed
by a LOATHSOME son of a bitch.
(The Big Bang Theory Season 3, Episode 11)
Nauseating :
i neveritshëm
Synonyms :
Sickening, Nauseous, Stomach-churning, Emetic, Sickly, Disgusting, Revolting, Offensive, Loathsome, Obnoxious, Foul, Vomitous, Gross, Gut-churning, Gut-wrenching, Churn up, Sicken, Revolt, Disgust
Sickening, Nauseous, Stomach-churning, Emetic, Sickly, Disgusting, Revolting, Offensive, Loathsome, Obnoxious, Foul, Vomitous, Gross, Gut-churning, Gut-wrenching, Churn up, Sicken, Revolt, Disgust
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
(Verb : )
Example : We could see some of them which had toppled over and rolled down the precipitous slopes and remained upside down at most nauseating angles.
We could see some of them which had toppled over and rolled down the precipitous slopes and remained upside down at most nauseating angles.
Odious :
i neveritshëm
Synonyms :
Revolting, Repulsive, Repellent, Repugnant, Disgusting, Offensive, Objectionable, Vile, Foul, Abhorrent, Loathsome, Nauseating, Sickening, Hateful, Detestable, Execrable, Abominable, Monstrous, Appalling, Reprehensible, Deplorable, Insufferable, Intolerable, Despicable, Contemptible, Unspeakable, Atrocious, Awful, Terrible, Dreadful, Frightful, Obnoxious, Unsavory, Unpalatable, Unpleasant, Disagreeable, Nasty, Noisome, Distasteful, Ghastly, Horrible, Horrid, Gross, Godawful, Beastly
Revolting, Repulsive, Repellent, Repugnant, Disgusting, Offensive, Objectionable, Vile, Foul, Abhorrent, Loathsome, Nauseating, Sickening, Hateful, Detestable, Execrable, Abominable, Monstrous, Appalling, Reprehensible, Deplorable, Insufferable, Intolerable, Despicable, Contemptible, Unspeakable, Atrocious, Awful, Terrible, Dreadful, Frightful, Obnoxious, Unsavory, Unpalatable, Unpleasant, Disagreeable, Nasty, Noisome, Distasteful, Ghastly, Horrible, Horrid, Gross, Godawful, Beastly
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Unequivocally detestable)
(Adjective : Unequivocally detestable)
Example : The painter Cavaradossi and his comrades struggle against the Roman police state run by the odious Baron Scarpia.
The painter Cavaradossi and his comrades struggle against the Roman police state run by the odious Baron Scarpia.
Repulsive :
i neveritshëm
Synonyms :
Revolting, Hideous, Repugnant
Revolting, Hideous, Repugnant
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Offensive to the mind)
(Adjective : Offensive to the mind)
Example : Cronenberg fashions a remake of the cheesy 1958 original that is by turns funny, poignant, repulsive , and intense.
Cronenberg fashions a remake of the cheesy 1958 original that is by turns funny, poignant, repulsive , and intense.
Word Example from TV Shows :

my REPULSIVE nephew
will be king after him.
(Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 2)

my REPULSIVE nephew
will be king after him.
(Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 2)
Unsavory :
i neveritshëm
Synonyms :
Unpalatable, Disreputable, Offensive, Distasteful
Unpalatable, Disreputable, Offensive, Distasteful
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
Example : We were planting some seeds together in her small backyard when she turned to me in confusion and asked if we could actually eat these food plants if they touched unsavory dirt.
We were planting some seeds together in her small backyard when she turned to me in confusion and asked if we could actually eat these food plants if they touched unsavory dirt.