Albanian to English Meaning :: i gjallë
i gjallë: Alive   Animate   Animated   Buckish   Buoyant   Canty   Colorful   Colourful   Frisky   Jocund   Larky   Living   Pert   Playful   Raw   
Alive :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
Living, In existence, Animated, Teeming, Live, Awake, Active
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Possessing life)
Example : What could have been an important but dry history lesson in lesser hands comes alive in this vibrant exploration of the Black Church in Canada.
Word Example from TV Shows :
Makes you feel alive, doesn\'t it?

 Makes you feel ALIVE, doesn't it? (The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 24)

Animate :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
Living, Sentient, Enliven, Recreate, Inspire
English Meaning :
(Verb : Heighten or intensify)
(Adjective : Belonging to the class of nouns that denote living beings)
Example : Despite this similarity, there are still elemental differences between being alive and deceased, and between the animate and inanimate.
Animated :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
Lively, Alive, Enliven, Recreate, Inspire
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
(Verb : )
Example : Visits are typically very lively with lots of animated discussion.
Word Example from TV Shows :
Settle this. Those little animated pictures
on the Internet. Are they called gifs or \

 Settle this. Those little ANIMATED pictures on the Internet. Are they called gifs or "jifs"? (The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 20)

Buckish :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
Buoyant :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
Able to float, Cheerful, Floaty, Perky
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Tending to float on a liquid or rise in air or gas)
Example : I returned from Southern California Tuesday evening in a buoyant mood, sated in the senses after two weeks amongst three small grandboys and one teenaged granddaughter.
Canty :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Lively and brisk)
Colorful :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
Brightly colored, Vivid, Colored
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
Example : This should preferably be a person about whom mysterious questions can be raised, someone with an interesting or colorful background.
Word Example from TV Shows :
Dr. Winkle, what colorful name
did you call Dr. Cooper this time?

 Dr. Winkle, what COLORFUL name did you call Dr. Cooper this time? (The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 3)

Colourful :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
Brightly colored, Vivid, Colored
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
Example : Here's Howard Jacobson, and a warning about some colourful language.
Frisky :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
Lively, Bouncy, Bubbly, Perky, Active, Energetic, Animated, Zestful, Full of vim and vigor, Playful, Coltish, Skittish, Spirited, High-spirited, In high spirits, Exuberant, Full of beans, Zippy, Peppy, Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, Frolicsome
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
Example : Others were frisky , some downright mischievous, but Cisco was solemnly content.
Word Example from TV Shows :
If we find my backup inhaler
maybe we can get frisky.

 If we find my backup inhaler maybe we can get FRISKY. (The Big Bang Theory Season 10, Episode 11)

Jocund :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
Gay, Jolly, Jovial, Merry, Mirthful
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Full of or showing high-spirited merriment)
Example : Accordingly, take in perfect part all I write and do; revere the cheese-shaped brain which feeds you this noble flummery; strive diligently to keep me ever jocund .
Larky :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
Living :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
Alive, Current, Complete, Surviving, Livelihood, Way of life, Aliveness, Life, Exist, Reside in, Pass/spend one's life, Experience, Survive, Enjoy oneself, Live on, Be, Know, Populate
English Meaning :
(Noun : The experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities)
(Verb : Be an inhabitant of or reside in)
(Adjective : Pertaining to living persons)
Example : Luke 16, clearly illustrates that an impassable gulf separates the dead from the living .
Word Example from TV Shows :
- You want some of this? I\'ll give you some.
- Sheldon, Leonard, living room right now!

 - You want some of this? I'll give you some. - Sheldon, Leonard, LIVING room right now! (The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 18)

Pert :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
Jaunty, Impudent, Irreverent
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality)
Example : My face seemed somewhat gaunt to me, with slightly sunken green eyes and pert nose.
Playful :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
Frisky, Jolly, Lively, Full of fun, Frolicsome, Sportive, High-spirited, Exuberant, Perky, Mischievous, Impish, Clownish, Kittenish, Rascally, Tricksy, Full of beans, Ludic
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Full of fun and high spirits)
Example : She gave him a playful punch on the arm, while smiling.
Word Example from TV Shows :
I-I nibbled.
I was being playful.

 I-I nibbled. I was being PLAYFUL. (The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 2)

Raw :
i gjallë
Synonyms :
Uncooked, Unprocessed, Inexperienced, Sore, Bleak, Strong, Realistic, Rude, Naked, Cutting, In the altogether, New, Sensitive, Crude, Birthday suit
English Meaning :
(Noun : Informal terms for nakedness)
(Adjective : (used especially of commodities)
Example : On the contrary, the raw and prolix language of his novels is unabashedly unpoetic and polemical.
Word Example from TV Shows :
You just can\'t handle
her raw sexuality, can you?

 You just can't handle her RAW sexuality, can you? (The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 13)

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