Albanian to English Meaning :: i fryrë
i fryrë: Bloated   Bulging   Bumptious   Cock-a-hoop   Fustian   Inflated   Overblown   Puffy   Swollen   Tumid   Turgid   Uppish   Uppity   
Bloated :
i fryrë
Synonyms :
Swollen, Distended, Tumefied, Bulging, Inflated, Enlarged, Expanded, Dilated, Puffy, Puffed (up)
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
(Verb : )
Example : Tired of waiting for the bloated political elite to pass laws designed to free up labour markets, corporate Europe has simply produced the shotgun and insisted on change.
Word Example from TV Shows :
because it would be nice to have
company on those days I feel bloated.

 because it would be nice to have company on those days I feel BLOATED. (The Big Bang Theory Season 9, Episode 9)

Bulging :
i fryrë
Synonyms :
Convex, Bulbous, Swell, Bulk, Bag, Pouch, Start
English Meaning :
(Verb : )
Bumptious :
i fryrë
Synonyms :
Self-important, Conceited, Arrogant, Self-assertive, Pushy, Pompous, Overbearing, Cocky, Swaggering, Proud, Haughty, Overweening, Egotistical, Snooty, Uppity
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Offensively self-assertive)
Example : Buster will be in Edinburgh again this year, more bumptious than ever, because the bestseller - as well as being translated into German, French, Italian and Magyar - is now available in Japanese.
Cock-a-hoop :
i fryrë
Synonyms :
Fustian :
i fryrë
Synonyms :
Blah, Bombast, Claptrap, Rant
English Meaning :
(Noun : Pompous or pretentious talk or writing)
Example : Most outer garments made of fustian were included among the garb of these people.
Inflated :
i fryrë
Synonyms :
Blown up, High, Exaggerated, High-flown, Hyperbolic, High-sounding, Blow up, Increase, Exaggerate, Balloon, Expand
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
(Verb : )
Example : A huge inflated spiked balloon hung over the dance area in front of the stage.
Word Example from TV Shows :
♪ Among the gangsters
The gringos\' fame is inflated ♪

 ♪ Among the gangsters The gringos' fame is INFLATED(Breaking Bad Season 2, Episode 7)

Overblown :
i fryrë
Synonyms :
Overwritten, Florid, Grandiose, Pompous, Overelaborate, Flowery, Overwrought, Pretentious, High-flown, Turgid, Grandiloquent, Magniloquent, Orotund, Highfalutin
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Puffed up with vanity)
Example : Yet, the New York Times fails to make that distinction and pretends that the the desperation was overblown .
Puffy :
i fryrë
Synonyms :
Swollen, Gusty, Intumescent, Bouffant
English Meaning :
(Adjective : )
Example : It could be that my judgment has become impaired by all the puffy dresses and diamonds in these magazines.
Word Example from TV Shows :
Do I look puffy? I feel puffy.

 Do I look PUFFY? I feel PUFFY. (The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 2)

Swollen :
i fryrë
Synonyms :
Distended, Egotistic, Expand, Grow, Be filled, Increase, Grow loud, Puff up, Well, Well up, Swell up
English Meaning :
(Verb : Increase in size, magnitude, number, or intensity)
(Adjective : Characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance)
Word Example from TV Shows :
No, after my tongue has swollen
to the size of a brisket.

 No, after my tongue has SWOLLEN to the size of a brisket. (The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 16)

Tumid :
i fryrë
Synonyms :
Intumescent, Erect, Large
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Ostentatiously lofty in style)
Example : Plate surfaces more commonly exhibit a prominent tumid center.
Turgid :
i fryrë
Synonyms :
Bombastic, Swollen, Intumescent, Large
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Ostentatiously lofty in style)
Example : I do understand the instinct of journalists to translate turgid legal verbiage into clear language.
Uppish :
i fryrë
Synonyms :
Stuck-up, Snot-nosed, Bigheaded, Snotty, Snooty, Persnickety
English Meaning :
(Adjective : (used colloquially)
Example : She sensed, too, that her English accent kept her a little apart, made her sound uppish .
Uppity :
i fryrë
Synonyms :
Arrogant, Snobbish, Hoity-toity, Snooty, Pretentious, Bumptious, Full of oneself, Puffed up, Conceited, Pompous, Self-assertive, Overbearing, Cocky, Cocksure, Impertinent, Haughty, Self-important, Superior, Presumptuous, Overweening, Uppish, High and mighty, Too big for one's britches/boots, Highfalutin, Fancy-pants, La-di-da
English Meaning :
(Adjective : Presumptuously arrogant)
Example : You just don't want to give those people any uppity ideas.

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