Doff :
heq qafe
Synonyms :
Take off, Remove, Strip off, Pull off, Raise, Lift, Tip, Divest oneself of
Take off, Remove, Strip off, Pull off, Raise, Lift, Tip, Divest oneself of
English Meaning :
(Verb : Remove)
Example : Every man in the room duly doffed his hat, including the other photographers, much to the approval of the Royal couple and to the dismay of the bare-headed cameramen who were too busy with their hats to attend to their lens-caps.
Every man in the room duly doffed his hat, including the other photographers, much to the approval of the Royal couple and to the dismay of the bare-headed cameramen who were too busy with their hats to attend to their lens-caps.
To get rid of :
heq qafe